@ darkspliver (or spilver) - H.L.& S :) Your M.O. is so transparent.
Having viewed some of your past comments, you appear to have a problem with any scriptural topics which put the cult's dogmas in a poor light. Hmmmm.
The WT mole surfaces again.
perhaps potential j.w.
recruits can use this example on their study conductors - and then witness the cognitive dissonance at first hand.. w98 2/1 p. 11 par.
13 – “when jehovah made his covenant, it was only with israel; those of the “vast mixed company,” although present, were not named as participants.”.
@ darkspliver (or spilver) - H.L.& S :) Your M.O. is so transparent.
Having viewed some of your past comments, you appear to have a problem with any scriptural topics which put the cult's dogmas in a poor light. Hmmmm.
The WT mole surfaces again.
perhaps potential j.w.
recruits can use this example on their study conductors - and then witness the cognitive dissonance at first hand.. w98 2/1 p. 11 par.
13 – “when jehovah made his covenant, it was only with israel; those of the “vast mixed company,” although present, were not named as participants.”.
Perhaps potential J.W. recruits can use this example on their study conductors - and then witness the cognitive dissonance at first hand.
w98 2/1 p. 11 par. 13 – “When Jehovah made his covenant, it was only with Israel; those of the “vast mixed company,” although present, were not named as participants.”
This statement is then followed by citing Exodus 12:38; 19:3, 7, 8 as scriptural “proof” that the org is being accurate, honest and truthful.
Being selective with scriptures to prove a point? Isn't that what bad old Christendom is accused of by the WTBTS?
denounces the lie and the liars at the WTBTS, and obliterates at a stroke their "type/antitype" dogma of the 2 tier system.
“All of you are stationed today before Jehovah your God, the heads of your tribes, your elders, your officers, every man of Israel, 11 your children, your wives, and your foreign resident who is in the midst of your camp, from the one gathering your wood to the one drawing your water. 12 You are here in order to enter into the covenant of Jehovah your God and his oath, which Jehovah your God is making with you today 13 in order that he may establish you today as his people and that he may be your God, just as he has promised you and just as he swore to your forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.14 “Now it is not with you alone that I am making this covenant and this oath, 15 but it is with those standing here with us today before Jehovah our God and with those who are not here with us today."
Where is a "new light" when you need one?
i went into my mother's office to leave her a small note to say that we love and miss her and would love to get together.
i found this on her desk.
this is jehovah's witnesses.
I'm so sorry for your situation WHATNOW. Being eliminated from our families by the cult-indoctrinated mentality is not easy to absorb in silence. It makes you feel like screaming at them, to waken them up to the evil which they are swallowing hook, line, and sinker. Many of us here were once like that, but thankfully, "independent thinking" prevailed and we dared to look behind the curtain.
Return evil for evil to no one, and show them exactly why they and their cult are disgusting.
Don't imitate them - shame them by being exemplary. I wish you peace in all of this.
andrew schofield, a spokesman for jehovah’s witnesses in britain, states: “for almost 60 years, our administrative operations for britain have been located in london.
however, larger facilities became necessary due to the increased demand for bible-related literature and materials.
we began site preparation on the 34-hectare (approx.
Lostandfound - "I hear no rumblings of discontent from these once worshipped stars of the universe."
If your whole life, family & friends, and most likely, employment and financial support were totally dependent on you keeping your mouth shut about the org...........................it's a no-brainer really.
The real truth is probably that many booted Bethelites and full-time servants - if not most - are sickened by what they've experienced by being reliant on the cult. Loyalty is not a term I'd apply to them - fear is more appropriate.
september 11, 2017 to all congregations in the united states re: global assistance arrangement for the 2018 service year.
DARKSPILVER said - AFAIK by joining up with the GAA, congregations avoid having to pay for commercial insurances (which would cost more?)
The org's alleged insurance scheme? When my previous KH was seriously damaged, two RBC hitmen were sent from the Branch to have a meeting with the Elders. They tried (unsuccessfully) to get the congregation to pay for certain aspects of the repair work, but were successful in requiring that the congregation members carry out many hours of clean up work and painting, before the RBC were sent in. And we waited months for the hall to be done.
So the answer is this - the org's insurance may cost the congregations more.
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
Isn't it a great incentive for J.W.'s to donate their hard earned cash when they see how wisely the "faithful evil slave" is using their money - to shut down anyone who spreads WTBTS material on the internet and to shut up anyone who receives damages from them because of the org's PPP. (Paedophile Protection Policy)
The WTBTS is as much a part of false religion as those whom they constantly condemn. Coal calling the kettle......
i had this point highlighted to me yesterday by a dyed-in-the-wool j.w.
who is beginning to see cracks in his beloved golden calf of warwick.
so encouraging to hear his disgruntlement with org-related topics.. “many in the christian congregation may not have expected their loved ones to die this side of armageddon.” (july 2017 study wt).
That's exactly the point he was making - basically telling J.W.'s that some of their folks will be "going" during the millennium.
i had this point highlighted to me yesterday by a dyed-in-the-wool j.w.
who is beginning to see cracks in his beloved golden calf of warwick.
so encouraging to hear his disgruntlement with org-related topics.. “many in the christian congregation may not have expected their loved ones to die this side of armageddon.” (july 2017 study wt).
I had this point highlighted to me yesterday by a dyed-in-the-wool J.W. who is beginning to see cracks in his beloved golden calf of Warwick. So encouraging to hear his disgruntlement with org-related topics.
“Many in the Christian congregation may not have expected their loved ones to die this side of Armageddon.” (July 2017 Study WT)
“In the Christian congregation today, many of our brothers and sisters did not expect their loved ones to die before Armageddon.” (July 2017 Simplified WT)
september 11, 2017 to all congregations in the united states re: global assistance arrangement for the 2018 service year.
It warms my heart to see how the Warwick Pharisees are relentlessly fleecing their (unconscious) worshippers.
The scale of the critical damage their greed is causing to the org by "switching off" J.W.'s, can only be joyfully speculated upon! Keep it up scumbags!
following on from last year's threadhttps://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5695993188188160/rc-2017here we go with the 2018 regional conventions!.....
Just another example from the cult to show that "the worldwide brotherhood" has different glorified levels like Scientology & Freemasonry. J.W's are not "all brothers" as they love to brag about - and neither does the " faithful slave" provide the same "spiritual food" to all of the "domestics".